Sunday, January 13, 2013

The definition of insanity

Insanity is often described as doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results each time.  By this definition, I am insane.

I know this woman.  I am friends with said woman.  I worked up the courage to ask her to dinner, she said yes.  This is when I started getting my hopes up.  Hopes of maybe having a relationship with her, hopes that maybe, finally I had found the beautiful woman who might make me feel like I am worth, and that I deserve, nothing less then the best.

Now she may read this, and if she does, I just want her to know, this is not her fault.  She was, however, the catalyst, in a manner of speaking.  For her, I have only one question:  Why not me?  What is it specifically that I lack?

It is the fact that this is not the first time this has happened that makes me insane.  Well, indirectly at least.  I keep getting my hopes up when it comes to beautiful women whom I would like to date that show even the slightest bit of interest.  Then I either ask them out and get shot down flat, or I do nothing and find out I missed my opportunity, if said opportunity ever existed.

Yet I continue to do it, the same process, the same me, expecting that this time, maybe, hopefully, will be the time that everything works out, and I finally impress a woman enough to make her want to get to know me better and maybe, just maybe, realize that I am a man who is worthy of the best, and, more importantly, that I think and feel that she may be the best.

Here's to hoping shit starts to go better.  If it doesn't, look for me to be going on a bender in the near future.